Can you install tape ins when you are only at home?? The answer is yes, and it is so easy. Let's take a look at how a person install the tape ins.
If you think the hair texture does not match your natural hair, just straightened it, and then it will blend a lot better.
When you install it, not to put tape ins close to your scalp. And if somebody is placing the tape ins that close to your scalp, once they raise that to put it in a ponytail, you're going to feel it that tape is going to pull from the bottom, and it's going to feel like your hair is being ripped out strand by strand which is not enjoyable in the least, so make sure again that you're not putting it super close to the root of your hair.

These tape in hair extensions have to be blended in with your natural hair, so you need to do is go ahead and start cutting some sort of layers into this hair and going ahead and curling it if you feel like it was going to give your hair that much more body and that much more life. So when you are cutting the tape ends, of course, if your hair is longer you want to be more careful, just making sure that you're not actually cutting your natural hair, because once you take the tape ins out baby that's it it's no reversible that's it the cut is there.
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If you want to order the same hair, please click the link of: https://bit.ly/3IH2e2r
To check more details of tape in hair extensions: https://bit.ly/3O4ch2B
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