Hair extensions look amazing, but they can also be extremely expensive. So we need to take care of it to make it last longer. So, how to take care of it?
- Treat them like your natural hair. If your extensions are sewn, microlinks, or taped in, you can wash them along with your natural hair in the shower. Be gentle, though, so that you don't loosen your extensions. If you're too rough with them, they won't last as long. Be sure to use a moisturizing formula shampoo. The more that a shampoo moisturizes, the better it will be for your hair.It is not a good idea to wash extensions that are glued or clipped in along with your natural hair. These should be removed and treated separately.

- Use sulfate-free shampoo. Sulfates are the cleaning detergents in shampoos that cause them to foam. Sulfates are effective cleaners. However, they can dry out the natural oils in your hair that serve to protect it. Your body is constantly creating new oils for your natural hair, but your extensions do not have a direct supply, so you need to be very careful about drying them out. Sulfates can cause split ends to form in your hair.Sulfates can make your hair look dry or frizzy over time.

- Use conditioner. Each strand of hair has a protective cuticle layer. Not only does the cuticle layer protect the hair strand, it also reflects sunlight which gives your hair its shine. Throughout the day, the cuticle layer gets broken down, leaving your hair looking limp and dull. Conditioners give your hair back its body and shine by releasing positively charged particles that latch onto the negatively charged parts of your hair and repair the cuticle layers.Make sure to work the conditioner all the way into the roots of your hair. If you have braids or curly extensions, you should use a leave-in conditioner on them during the day.

- Always brush extensions with care. Just like when you brush your natural hair a little too harshly, and you see strands begin to fall out, your extensions will start to become loose if you fail to take care. It is inevitable that your extensions will experience some tangling, but it's how you tackle it that counts. You need to follow the sequence of starting to brush at the ends of your hair before working your way up. This method will cause the least strain on your hair, extensions and scalp, keeping them all healthy. When it comes to how many times you brush a day, as long as you are gentle, the more, the better. However, if you're looking for a precise recommendation, we'd always say first thing in the morning, before you go to bed, before washing and after washing.
- Don't wash your extensions every day. Just like your normal hair, they'll become dried out if you over-wash them. On days that you don't wash your hair, give it a gentle rinse and use some conditioner.How often you should wash your hair depends on its thickness, oil content and how much product you use in it. For example Someone with thick, dry hair who doesn't use too much product wouldn't have to wash as often as someone with thin, oily hair who styles it daily.

- Dry your hair. Blow-dry your hair completely before going to bed. You should never go to bed while your permanent hair extensions are wet. Wet hair extensions will bunch up causing tangles to form. As you move around in your sleep, the tangles in your extensions could get stuck and pull on your natural hair, damaging it.If your natural hair is braided underneath the extensions, make sure it gets completely dry, too. If it doesn't, you could develop mildew and an unpleasant odor. To make sure all your hair dries completely, it is recommended that you sit under a hooded dryer. The amount of time you will need to stay under the dryer depends on the thickness and texture of your hair, as well as the density of the extensions.
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